Monthly Archives: July 2012

Hoot Hoot! HootSuite!

HootSuite is a web-based tool for managing social media accounts. You do not have to download and install a software on your computer. It is a social media management system created by Ryan Holmes in 2008. Social network which you can integrate with HootSuite are LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, mixi, My Space, WordPress, Google +. […]

Planner, Organizer – Google Calendar

I like using a planner. It is a very helpful tool to manage personal and professional schedules. I personally started using a planner when I was in college. As I said in my previous post, it helps us remember things if we write them, and that applies for our daily schedules as well. But even […]

Take Note With Evernote!

It is wise to take notes because taking notes helps us remember things we need to remember. We all took notes in school. Even after school we still take notes. PC’s also has an app for notes called the “Sticky Note,” wherein you take notes on “Post-it” like notes on your desktop. Because technology is […]