Need an Autoresponder? Listwire is Free

Just what is an autoresponder? An autoresponder is “an email utility that automatically replies to an email message with prewritten when that email comes into a specific email or internet address” (definition from

So why use an autoresponder? An autoresponder plays an important role for blogs or websites as it can help your website grow traffic and if you have an online business, you definitely need it to build and grow your list. But how exactly is an autoresponder used? Below are some of the ways you can use an autoresponder.

1. Free Short Online Course  
Set up a series of emails teaching your readers about the course.

2. Email Marketing
Send broadcast messages when you have new posts on your blog or new products on your website. This is just one of the basics. The next items are different types of email marketing.

2.1   Paid Course, Training or Products
Just like for free online courses, follow-on emails are necessary. Part of your course, trainings or links to your products could be sent using your autoresponder.

2.2   Affiliate Promotions
Send out to your email list affiliate links of the products that you highly recommend. Products which you think your readers would buy and whose affiliate programs you are a member of. Successful sales or referrals from your affiliate links will give you more profit aside from your own products.

2.3   Sending Out Tips
Send out tips as broadcast messages to your list. Sending out really good tips could grow your website traffic and could keep your readers coming back for more. If you’re part of Google Adsense program, more traffic means more traffic.

2.4   Introduce Your Archives to Your New Readers
One thing most bloggers encounter is that their old posts just get piled up without repeat traffic or without new traffic. Sending out your good posts to your new readers could help your old posts maintain and get more traffic.

2.5   Follow-up Selling

For those with products to sell, a good idea to sell more to those who already have bought from your website is to send them your other products, products that are related or good companion to the first products they bought. Another strategy you can do here is to give discount for those who bought your first product. This would lead to follow-up purchases.

2.6   Relaunch your own product everyday
Continuous promotion for those who have eBooks or other kinds of products, you can publish or make updated versions then send broadcast messages to your current list. However, you might not get a response from all of your readers or those who bought the first version. Send your updated products to your old customers and new subscribers as well.

Now you know what an autoresponder is for. Which autoresponder should you choose? There are quite a few choices, but if you don’t plan to build a really huge list and set up too many autoresponder lists, then I recommend listwire. Listwire is a free email autoresponder. Listwire is not really hard to use, but it could take a while before you get used to the interface as there could be many options and preferences for your email messages plus every template should of course be customized. One more feature of listwire is that you can connect your listwire account to your twitter account so when you send out messages, it gets posted to your twitter as well.

Listwire is one of the best free autoresponder available as other free autoresponders does not allow affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is not a problem with listwire. What are listwire’s limits?

  • Limit of autoresponders lists is 12
  • Limit of subscribers per autoresponder list is 10,000

12 lists x 10,000 subscribers = 120,000 subscribers. That’s a pretty big list you can build compare to the other free autoresponders. Would you like to get listwire autoresponder now? Click here to get you started.

Below is another tutorial I made. I hope this would help you if you plan to use listwire.

List Wire - Get Your Free Autoresponder

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