
Hi! I am Ella!

I am savvy but that depends on your perception of what savvy is. I like reading and writing. I enjoy reading good books or articles and I am amazed at the play of words of good authors and writers. I like doing research too.

I love learning new things because learning does not end when you graduate from school or finish a degree. Learning does not stop because when we stop learning, we stop growing. But to study for another degree, well, I would have to really think about that. 🙂 It must be something that I really want to study about.

Some of the other things I like doing are baking and cooking (a little bit). I love to eat. I like arts like music, photography, funky artworks and other types of arts. I like science too, health issues and medical technology and breakthroughs are some of my interests. I would like to say that I’m an environmental enthusiast, but I am trying… and I believe we should all try to.

Ella here, and I may be the Savvy VA you are looking for. If you wish to contact me, please leave a message or comment on my posts… oh, and you can follow me through email.

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